Single Piece Flow Cell Machines

Most common and versatile of all vibratory finishing styles of equipment.

Single Piece Flow Cell Machines

Single Piece flow cell machine for automated air blasting. A spacious adjustable blast cabinet with multiple processing controls, the SPF 3830 outperforms manual air blasting by providing a more consistent, repeatable finish to every part. The consistency of the machine makes it ideal for companies with projects involving large numbers of parts. SPF 2424 system provides the same consistency and reliability of automated air blasting, utilizing an optimized design that provides a lower price to the user.

Product Specifications

  • SPF 3830 
    • Power Parts Rotation (3 to 30 rpm)
    • Oscillates 4 Blast Guns up to 24”
    • Automates Air Blasting Economically
  • SPF 2424 
    • Power Part Rotation (3 to 30 rpm)
    • Simple Air-Blast Automation