Blasting Supplies and Equipment


Frequently Asked Questions

Part Four

Welcome back to the 4th edition of Accelerating Vibratory Finishing with Rodeco Metal Finishing! If you haven’t had a chance to read the previous posts in this series, I highly recommend checking them out. In those blogs, we dive into topics like Proper Media Levels, Setting Up Your Vibratory Finisher, and Unloading Methods. Today, we’re tackling a set of frequently asked questions from CLM VibeTech. We found their FAQ page so insightful that we just had to “borrow” a few gems to share with you!

Before we dive into these frequently asked questions, we’d like to give a quick shout-out to CLM VibeTech. For those who may not be familiar, CLM VibeTech is our exclusive vendor for vibratory finishing equipment, parts washers, and wastewater systems here at Rodeco. We’ve trusted them for years, and their products have been a key part of our success.  Check out there website today at  Now let’s get started! 


Call us today at 919-775-7149 to book a complimentary test for your parts, or send us your information, and we will get in touch with you to schedule it.

Test with your parts

Quick Tip – To develop a new process, contact Rodeco Metal Finishing 919-775-3130.  We offer free testing to ensure you have the right media and compound to meet your finish spec.


How Do I Get My Parts to Lift Onto the Screen?

Once the bowl is filled properly and your media-to-parts ratio is at least 4-to-1, you can add more weight to the top of the machine to increase the feed. As with other adjustments, proceed slowly and incrementally to avoid overcompensating.

My Machine Stopped Working Today, Why?

If your machine isn’t functioning, begin by checking for mechanical or electrical issues. Start by verifying incoming power, fuses, and checking for a broken belt. Next, try spinning the drive by hand to ensure it hasn’t seized up. Finally, check process parameters such as water flow, media levels, and compound drum levels. Avoid changing the weight settings until other issues are ruled out.

What Should My Machine Drive Rotation Be?

Refer to the service manual for specific rotation details, as different manufacturers have different setups. Generally, the motor should rotate in the opposite direction of the process flow. The top master weight should follow the bottom master weight by approximately 90 degrees. For example, if the process moves counterclockwise, the motor should rotate clockwise, and when the bottom master weight is at 6 o’clock, the top master weight should be at 3 o’clock.

How Do I Dry My Parts?

To dry your parts, you can use a vibratory dryer, which uses heating elements to dry media like corn cobb or walnut shell that absorbs moisture from the parts. Other options include conveyor or rotary drum-style dryers, which move parts through a chamber while blowing hot air or tumbling with drying media. There are also combination machines that integrate both finishing and drying functions to save space and cost.

What Media Should I Use for My Process?

There are three primary types of media used in finishing processes: ceramic, plastic, and steel. Ceramic media is typically abrasive and is ideal for deburring applications, while plastic media is used for finer finishes. Steel media is great for burnishing and edge-softening. Each type is available in various shapes, sizes, and compositions to achieve different finishes depending on the needs of your process.

What Compound Should I Use?

There are thousands of compound formulations available, with the main purpose being to keep the process clean. A good compound helps remove dirt and oil from parts and keeps the media clean, preventing it from becoming loaded or glazed, which can hinder performance. Some compounds also provide rust protection for parts or media.

When Should I Reline My Vibratory Machine?

A machine should be relined when the drain is no longer functional or when bare metal is visible in the process channel. To check the condition of your lining, tap the bottom of the channel with a hammer and nail once a year to gauge thickness. This will help you plan for a timely reline.

Why Aren’t My Parts Rolling Well?

If your parts aren’t rolling well, the most likely cause is worn media. Worn media reduces the volume in the process, leading to improper roll and coverage of parts. Regularly check the media condition to maintain optimal performance.

What Do I Do with My Wastewater?

Wastewater regulations vary by municipality, so be sure to check local guidelines. There are several filtration systems available, ranging from basic systems that settle heavy particles to advanced systems that filter finer particles or even centrifuge and ultra-filter the water to remove contaminants.

How Often Do I Change the Oil on My Finisher?

Oil changes for vibratory machines should occur every 1,000 operating hours. For example, if you run one shift of production five days a week, an oil change would be needed every six months. Be sure to use Mobil 600 or SHC 626 for larger machines, change the oil filter element, and clean the suction filter regularly.

How Often Should I Grease Lubricate My Vibratory Finisher?

For manual grease lubrication, apply one shot of grease (Mobil XHP 222 or SHC 100) to each drive bearing housing every 20-40 operating hours. Avoid over or under-greasing, as improper lubrication is a common cause of bearing failure.

Watch the vibratory deburring process in action


And there you have it, folks! We’ve answered some of the most common questions from CLM VibeTech, and hopefully, you’ve found these tips as valuable as we have. Vibratory finishing doesn’t have to be a mystery—just a well-oiled, well-maintained process! If you’re still scratching your head about media ratios, noise reduction, or any other aspect of your vibratory system, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Rodeco Metal Finishing. Whether you’re looking to develop a new process, need a little help with troubleshooting, or want some free testing (yep, we said free!), we’re here to make sure your finishing process is running smoother than your last batch of perfectly polished parts. Keep those parts rolling—and keep your questions coming!

Need to replenish your media supplies?

We carry a large supply of media that is ready to ship out today.

Call us at 919-775-7149
or visit Blast Media to find out more.